Amin Tarokh | امین تارخ

Amin Tarokh
  • Career: Actress
  • TMDB ID: 1806036
  • Date of birth: Aug. 11, 1953
  • Place of birth: Kazerun, Iran
  • Age:
  • Also known as: ['امین تارخ', 'Amin Tarekh', 'Amin Tarokh', 'Amin Tarrokh', 'Ameen Tarokh']
  • View: 3603
  • RIP: True


Amin Tarokh (امین تارخ) was born on 11 August 1953 and is an Iranian actor who has starred in numerous cinema and television shows. He graduated with a degree in cultural management from the University of Tehran. Amin Tarokh has two sons named Nima and Mani. He also has a casting production company in Tehran.
