Iman Safa, renowned for his roles in "Blue Nissan" (2021), "Drown" (2020), and "Dash Akol" (2018), is a versatile talent hailing from Tehran, Iran, born on December 22, 1982. His journey in the world of performing arts commenced during high school when he delved into the realms of both mathematics and acting. With a profound passion for the stage, Iman Safa swiftly transitioned into stage acting immediately after completing his high school studies.
Immersing himself in the diverse landscape of acting, Safa seamlessly navigated between the realms of film and television, asserting that, in his view, there exists no substantial distinction between the two mediums. His extensive filmography includes notable appearances in productions such as 'Operation 125' (2008), 'Leaden Stars' (2011), and 'Special Guests' (2012). Through his dedication and versatility, Iman Safa continues to leave an indelible mark on the Iranian entertainment scene, captivating audiences with his compelling performances both on screen and on stage.