Hezarpa 8

Hezarpa | هزارپا

Hezarpa : هزارپا : is an Iranian comedy film directed by Abolhassan Davoodi, produced by Reza Rakhshan, and written by Amir Baradaran, Peyman Jazini, and Mostafa Zandi, released in 2018. With a box office gross of 38 billion IRR, it became the highest-grossing Iranian film at the time of its release and the most-watched film of the 2010s in Iranian cinema, attracting over 4.2 million viewers.

Plot Summary:
The story revolves around Reza Niazi (played by Reza Attaran) and his friend Mansour (played by Javad Ezzati), who are pickpockets. Reza learns through Mansour's mother that Elham (played by Sara Bahrami), the daughter of his wealthy boss, has vowed to marry a war veteran. Since Reza has lost his leg in an accident, he decides to approach the girl under the guise of being a veteran to marry her. Reza enters a veterans' home where the girl is the manager. Through various lies, Reza tries to make the girl fall in love with him...

Release and Box Office:
"Centipede" premiered in Iranian cinemas on July 4, 2018. Due to discrepancies between the version shown to the Cinema Organization and the version being screened, the film had to modify its DCP (Digital Cinema Package), resulting in about a minute of runtime being cut from the third week of its screening. By its fifth week, "Centipede" had broken records to become the highest-grossing film in the history of Iranian cinema at that time. In less than two months, it surpassed 30 billion IRR in sales, becoming the first Iranian film to achieve this milestone. Furthermore, it broke the attendance record of "City of Mice 2" within the first 45 days of its release, becoming the most-watched film of the 2010s with over 4 million viewers.

Home Cinema Release:
The film was released in the home cinema network in two parts, each approximately 90 minutes long (the first part on March 5 and the second part on March 13, 2019), which was met with public controversy and criticism. Critics argued that this approach was unconventional and that sufficient information was not provided to buyers. The distributing company later explained that the reason for this approach was to extend the film's duration from 122 minutes to 197 minutes by adding behind-the-scenes footage.


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