Khashmo hayahoo : (خشم و هیاهو) is a compelling drama directed by Hooman Sidi, featuring prominent actors Navid Mohammadzadeh and Tanaz Tabatabai. This 2015 Iranian film explores the tumultuous life of a singer who becomes entangled in complex issues after meeting a young female fan.
About the Film
Khashmo hayahoo is a 2015 drama and mystery film directed by Hooman Sidi. This Iranian film delves into the life of a musician whose world becomes increasingly complicated after his encounter with a devoted fan. The story unfolds with intense drama and enigmatic twists, providing a gripping narrative for audiences.
The film features a stellar cast, including Navid Mohammadzadeh, Saeed Changizi, Behnaz Jafari, Reza Behboudi, Rana Azadivar, and Tanaz Tabatabai. Their performances bring depth and authenticity to the storyline, making Khashmo hayahoo a memorable cinematic experience.