"Rahman 1400" is an Iranian film directed by Manouchehr Hadi, produced by Ali Sartipi, and written by Babak Kaydaneh and Meysam Kaydaneh. The film was released in 2019 and features a cast including Mehran Modiri, Saeed Aghakhani, Yekta Naser, Bahram Afshari, Sareh Bayat, Gholamreza Nikkhah, and Mohammadreza Golzar. Principal photography commenced in early August 2018 and concluded in October 2018. The film premiered on February 14, 2019, in Iranian cinemas. However, after a few weeks of screening, it was revealed that the version being shown was not the corrected version, leading to a nationwide halt in the film's screening. "Rahman 1400" is recognized as the fourteenth highest-grossing film in the history of Iranian cinema.
Synopsis: Rahman (Saeed Aghakhani), a water purifier for a company, receives a terminal cancer diagnosis from his doctor. Motivated by the impending tragedy, Rahman contemplates schemes to secure financial benefits for his family after his passing. However, he consistently faces misfortune. Rahman, along with his friend Anoush (Bahram Afshari), devises plans that involve causing trouble for Ashkan (Mohammadreza Golzar), the son of the company's owner (Mehran Modiri). The story explores Rahman's attempts to bring prosperity to his family through unconventional means.
Mehran Modiri as Haj Agha Jalousi (Company Owner)
Mohammadreza Golzar as Ashkan Jalousi (Haj Agha's Son)
Bahram Afshari as Anoush (Rahman's Friend and Company Janitor)
Yekta Naser as Sharareh (Rahman's Wife)
Saeed Aghakhani as Rahman (Protagonist)
Sareh Bayat as Nazi (Ashkan's Fiancée)
Gholamreza Nikkhah as Doctor
Ali Sakhango as Sasan (Sasi, Ashkan's Friend)
Maryam Abdolzadeh as Uranus (Rahman and Sharareh's Elder Daughter)
Sama Bakhshiyari as Young Actress (Rahman and Sharareh's Child)
Ayane Shayegan as Young Actress (Rahman and Sharareh's Child)
Ryan Shayegan as Young Actor (Rahman and Sharareh's Child)
Sepehr Sepi as Sepehr Sepi (Film Pianist)
"Rahman 1400" weaves a narrative that delves into the complexities of familial relationships, financial struggles, and the pursuit of unconventional solutions to life's challenges. The film unfolds with a blend of drama and comedy, offering audiences a unique perspective on the human experience.