Vilaaye Saaheli : ویلای ساحلی : "Vilaaye Saaheli" is a comedic Iranian film directed by Kianoush Ayari, produced by Reza Rakhshan, and starring Reza Attaran and Pejman Jamshidi. It was released in 2022 and was shown in Iranian cinemas from December 6, 2022, to March 19, 2023.
Plot Summary The film narrates the story of a rural family tasked with caretaking a villa for six months. The villa owner, Chavosh, plans to live abroad for six months to accompany his daughter to university, entrusting the villa to Younes (played by Pejman Jamshidi) and his wife (played by Rima Raminfar). The couple, along with their three children, move into the villa. However, the arrival of Younes's brother-in-law (played by Reza Attaran) starts a series of comedic events.