Dar Entehaaye Shab : سریال در انتهای شب : Synopsis : The series Dar Entehaye Shab (At the End of the Night) revolves around a woman named Negar (played by Hoda Zeinolabedin), who returns to Iran after many years. She is searching for her missing husband, Kamran (played by Parsa Pirouzfar), who vanished on their wedding night. During her quest, Negar meets Peyman (played by Reza Behboudi), a detective hunting a serial killer. As the story unfolds, dark secrets are revealed that...
Key Characters Negar (Hoda Zeinolabedin): The protagonist who is determined to find her missing husband. Kamran (Parsa Pirouzfar): Negar's husband who mysteriously disappeared on their wedding night. Peyman (Reza Behboudi): A detective investigating a serial killer, who becomes involved in Negar's search for Kamran.