"Rahil" is a historical series directed by Masoud Abparvar. The story unfolds during the late Qajar era and the early Pahlavi period, centering around the Ashura theme. The narrative begins with the return of a key character named "Maha" from a pilgrimage to Karbala. Masoumeh Arabi (Gita Raad), who plays the role of Maha in the series, makes every effort to bring other women from the Qajar court with her to organize an Ashura mourning ceremony.
The series "Rahil" airs on Channel 3 from Saturday to Wednesday every week at 20:30, according to the broadcast schedule.
Rahil Serial Irani Rahil - سریال ایرانی رحیل - Watch on Iran-TV
The historical series "Rahil" offers the audience a first-hand account of the end of the Qajar era and the beginning of the Pahlavi era. This collection has a women's story and the narrator is a person named "Maha" from the Qajar court, who tries to unite other women inside and perform an Ashura ritual.